Posting of drivers New All Countries Offer

We are happy to announce that Our Posting of Drivers’ Service is evolving and we just launched a New ALL-COUNTRIES offer on 10th of August 2020.

ALL-COUNTRIES is our new offer with a unique pricing for Posting Certificates &Representation. This service will include all EU Countries for which Move Expert has activated Posting services: France, Austria, Germany, Italy &Netherlands.*

By using this offer you will be able to:

  • Activate one global contract
  • Pay a cheaper yearly fee based on the number of drivers to be declared during the year
  • Get Posting Certificates for any of those 5 Countries quickly and easily

Along with this new offer, there will be a major improvement in our current extranet. We will release a new “Drivers manager” dedicated for certificates management with: 

•         Improved Import & Export functionalities

•         A user-friendly design & all your certificates in one place

•         A new management of drivers and certificates tool to be used for all the countries where you operate

Take a chance to use our much more flexible service adapted to most of our clients!

Press here to find out more information or contact our Posting Of Drivers Customer Service team.

Sébastien Schmitt


*The Single-Countries options will stay available as it is now for those clients who not need or want to get our global service. 

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