Travelling from france to the uk

How to follow the right process in order to manage the borders control?

Travelling from France to the UK

Before you arrive in Dover:

Depending on the type of transport (Transit, TIR .. etc) you need one of the four options below :
·      TAD: Transit Accompanying Documents, for Goods under the transit regime
·      EU EAD MRN Barcodes
·      DGDDI: Envelope Single Barcode
·      TIR/ATA Carnet

NB: At the ports in France, your driver must present one of the 4 options

Your arrival in Dover:

If no problem with the customs is detected by the customs upon arrival, the driver will be able to continue his/her journey. For your information, some controls might be done after July 2021

  1. Starting from January 1st, 2021 
    For the UK authorities (UK Import) GMR (Good Movement Number) is required only for goods travelling under Transit (CTC).

    For French authorities (EU Export) references of export documents are required including Transit.

  2. Starting from July 1st, 2021


    For UK authorities (UK Import) GMR (Good Movement Number) is required for all vehicles even if empty or postal.
    For French authorities (EU Export) references of export documents are required including Transit.

    From this date, ENS Safety & Security declaration will be required.

Your driver will declare if the vehicle is empty upon arrival at the port or terminal. The process is defined by customs authorities. GMR will be mandatory from 1st July 2021 for empty vehicles and postal goods.

In order to avoid making customs declarations for every crossing, a unique declaration can be made for empty containers (e.g. crates, plastic trays, etc…) if carried regularly

Ferry Operators’ has the mission to collect and transfer this data to both authorities but not to check or control the validity of the documents.

If you have multiple declarations with different barcodes, French customs have developed a solution whereby you can generate one single barcode (envelope code) thus grouping the declarations and saving time in scanning documents. Contact us if you need help for the one single barcode.